art journal challenge days 64-70

It nice to take a break from the norm and being messy can really set me free with no restriction.

Just expressing myself can really help letting go what I am holding inside. Ever since I took that art class in college and continue after painting has really open me up to seeing art in a different light. When I decide to take a few classes in mixed media, it felt more like my style. I just had to find the style that best suit more to me and I haven’t miss a beat since then. Now that I took the 365 days of art journal challenge, I’m finding it difficult and stretching me to lengths I didn’t think it would go. This art journey has made me uncomfortable in my skin and at the same time seeing a new level that it taking me. If someone would have told me that exploring, learning, and growing in my art would change me I would have not believe them. I am loving where I am in my art. This has been a beautiful journey of opening, letting go and being free. thank you.








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